Frequently asked questions
Do you visit all doggy daycares in London?
Vet in the City work on a contract basis with all good daycares. Please enquire with your daycare provider or register your interest with us by getting in touch.
When will you see my dog for their health check?
We have scheduled visits for each daycare so this will depend on the daycare your dog attends. You can look at our calander that is regulary updated.
I’m moving doggy daycare, can I transfer my subscription?
If Vet in the City have a contract with your new daycare centre, then absolutely. If not, let them know you would like them to offer our services. Please ensure you give us 30 days written notice prior to transfer.
What if I have more than one dog?
Lucky you! We offer a monthly subscription of £28 for your second dog and an additional discount on the third dog.
What are the outcomes of the health checks?
Vet in the City will send a detailed report via Collar app to you within 48 hours of every examination.
Who else offers this service?
Though common in many global cities, there are no other vets in London offering daycare consultations.
Do I need to contact my primary vet?
We will contact your primary vet and request their full medical history if needed, so unless you wish to share further information about your dog’s health, there is nothing else you need to do.
I would like to cancel my subscription.
You can withdraw from our services at any time with 30 day notice. If you are withdrawing from Basic Plan Subscription you will need to settle the remaining moths for which we have provided treatments for.
See our Terms for full details.
Will my pet insurance cover this service?
Preventative therapies are encouraged by pet insurance companies but are not covered by most policies.
Are you licensed?
Yes. Vet in the City is a registered veterinary practice of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Dr Martin is a fully qualified veterinary surgeons and registered Members of the RCVS. And we have a brick and mortar practice in East London.
My dog hates going to the vet. Why would I do this on a regular basis?
We know! Trips to the vet can be stressful for everyone involved. They often involve taking time off work, sitting in a busy waiting room and standing in a consultation room, often seeing a different vet each time. At daycare, in the company of their pooch pals and friendly daycare family, each assessment is as stress-free as possible.
I’m going on holidays with my dog, will he miss out on his treatments?
We will provide you with a Care Package containing of all your dog’s parasite control. If you are travelling overseas and require any travel documentation we are here to help, get in touch. Vet in the City can issue an animal health certificate for your dog, vaccinate against Rabies and provide you with additional preventative treatments to protect them against diseases found outside of the UK.